Gutschein Mercedes AMG GT-S Rennstreckentraining

Gutschein Mercedes AMG GT-S Rennstreckentraining



Voucher for a Mercedes AMG GT-S race track training

As the successor to the ever-popular Mercedes SLS AMG, the latest super sports car from AMG has to face great expectations. But Mercedes wouldn’t be Mercedes if it wasn’t clear in advance: Of course, expectations will be met.

4-liter V8 biturbo, 0 to 100 in 3.8 seconds – finally a pure super sports car from AMG again!

What does this voucher include?

sports car gift voucher


sports car gift box

gift box

You purchase a voucher for an unforgettable  race track training in the Mercedes AMG GT-S

choose between

  • PDF voucher by email
  • high-quality paper voucher by mail
  • DRIVAR® Premium gift box with high-quality model

We would like to give you the perfect gift that doesn’t involve any additional costs or unpleasant surprises when redeeming it. That’s why we already include the following services in the Mercedes AMG GT-S racing car voucher :

  1. Driving on the race track in a Mercedes AMG GT-S for the selected number of laps
  2. including personal instructor
  3. Detailed vehicle instruction
  4. Driver coaching & theory briefing included
  5. Sufficient time for photos & videos
  6. No deposit required!
  7. From 18 years!
  8. No deadline commitment – can be redeemed individually
  9. Gasoline costs are included
  10. NEW: Now available with GoPro 4K video of the ride!

About the Mercedes AMG GT-S

Positioned on the market as a direct competitor to the Porsche 911, the AMG GT offers everything it takes to be a box office hit. The S version is armed with 510 hp and, as befits its status, is equipped with rear-wheel drive. The „Race“ mode and the sports exhaust system specially developed by AMG ensure an incomparable adrenaline rush.

In 2017, an even more powerful version of the GT-S was launched: the AMG GT-R . More power, less weight. The result: a lap time of 7:10:92 on the Nordschleife. The striking rear and the seemingly endless hood make you faint even from the outside.

Mercedes AMG has of course also developed a convertible version for all fans of good weather. This means you can enjoy the sound of the roaring V8 even at speeds of 300 km/h.

Locations for the Mercedes AMG GT-S race track training in Germany

With a wide range of locations, we really want to give every interested party the chance to redeem their dream car at a location of their choice. This is currently possible in:

  • Motorsport Arena Oschersleben near Magdeburg
  • STC Motodrom (Spreewaldring) near Berlin
  • Bilster Berg Drive Resort near Paderborn
  • Driving Center Groß Dölln near Berlin
  • Lausitzring near Dresden

Zusätzliche Informationen


3 Runden, 4 Runden, 5 Runden, 10 Runden, 50 Runden




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